The Language of Play - Kids that Listen, Speech Therapy, Language Development, Early Intervention

*** A Top 2% Podcast! *** Getting Kids to Listen, Speech Therapy, IEP, Communication with Kids, Parent Mentor, Family Connection Are you tired of repeating yourself with your children or wonder why they don’t listen? Are you frustrated that your kids argue, whine or debate with you? Are you afraid you are doing the wrong thing to build communication, but you are not sure what to do? Hey parents, you don’t need to stay overwhelmed, exhausted, and triggered by the fuss. In this podcast, you will find solutions to … get kids to listen better with clear communication and boundaries that benefit kids. All while enhancing your relationships! My mission is to help puzzled, busy, worried parents read their child’s behavior as communication. When we understand what they are communicating, WE start to communicate differently! This is true of children with normal language development, children in dual language homes, and children with language delays. When Your Language allows for discovery, creativity, curiosity and exploration, connection is born. Connected kids are courageous and listen better. Connected kids have fewer meltdowns. Listen in to learn empowering strategies for teaching and listening! Hello, my name is Dinalynn Rosenbush, mom, grandma, Speech Language Pathologist of over 25 years. I’ve worked with hundreds of children with speech & language delays and navigated divorce and single parenting. Through training and my own struggles, I learned to use specific language in specific ways to build connection. I learned to Teach AND USE better communication. Our communication is not only our words, but it is the feeling our children have when we speak with them. Let’s create a home where exploration is welcomed, mistakes are stepping stones, and practice is expected. When kids believe you are on their team, eventually, they join your team! Because, what works for speech and language disabled children, simply works! I believe all parents should have access to these skills, not just specialists. It is my hope to give small nuggets of information in each episode to build your communication toolbox. So, if you are ready to build deep, meaningful connection AND create a more peaceful, productive and happy home. Listen in! Let’s interrupt the way you have been parenting. so that you CAN BECOME THE PARENT you WANT to be. I am glad you are here! Dinalynn EMAIL: BOOK A DISCOVERY CONVERSATION:

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2 days ago

Hey Friends~ 
Have you heard of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)?  Does your child struggle with auditory processing issues? 
Today’s guest, Danielle Lindner,  shares her daughter’s journey in the school system and at home with Auditory Processing Disorder.  You will hear some tips and tricks that helped along the way as well as how her child’s auditory processing impacted her ability to learn reading!
Always cheering you on! 
CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn:
ABOUT THE GUEST:   An esteemed educational consultant in early childhood education and a renowned parenting coach, Danielle Lindner is also an accomplished entrepreneur and author. She holds an MA in teaching and elementary education (Hons.) from Fairleigh Dickinson University and is the founder of The London Day School, a prestigious institution that provides a nurturing and enriching environment for young learners. Her new book is “Parent’s Pocket Guide to Surviving the Preschool Years: One Challenge at a Time”
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For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at
 If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes: 
29 Series: ”Why Won’t the Kids Listen!??” part 2: Processing Information: 4 Strategies to Get Your Kids to Notice What They Hear
30 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part3: Tools For When Language Processing is Difficult
156 Raising Your Creative Independent Thinker? Sharon Fillmore Helps You With These Wonderful Curious Children!
161 Do You Treat All The Kids The Same, Yet Their Reaction is So Different?

4 days ago

Hey Friends~ 
When our kiddos are out of control, it’s tempting to scream, “Stop it!!”
What if? … you could look at it differently and narrate what’s going on?
What would that look like?
Today will discuss the effect Narration has on language development as well as emotional regulation. When we narrate what is happening for our children, we give them a gift. It’s a powerful tool to help with behavior and give language to the experience. And when you use this kind of tool, it helps you step back from the experience and not be so triggered!
Always cheering you on! 
CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn:
Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:
** SUMMER 2024 ONLY!   Free & Available this summer!
Sign Up Parent Group Coaching:  June 27,  July 24,  August 20
Register Here:
Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!
** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"
July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time  Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here:
RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:
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Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom!  Let's Meet Session
For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at
 If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes: 
35 EXPERT: Denise Belisle: Improving Your Child’s Behavior using Positive Intelligence
67 Do You Know How to Teach Language and Behavior Using Games You Already Have at Home? Here are 6 Examples from the Game: Chutes and Ladders
110 COACH: Angie Ellsworth Helps Parents Know Better, Do Better, and Feel Better - And Discusses Bullying
149 Triggered By Your Child’s Behavior? Gayle Weill Helps You Be Your Best Self!
157 When A Temper Tantrum Isn’t A Temper Tantrum??!!

5 days ago

Hey Friends~ 
You tired of repeating yourself ?
Do you just wish your kids would listen the first time ?
We know people need repetitions. And kids need even more repetitions! But what if your environment could do your repeating for you?
In today’s episode, you will learn what to do, so the environment repeats for you!
Always cheering you on! 
CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn:
Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:
** SUMMER 2024 ONLY!   Free & Available this summer!
Sign Up Parent Group Coaching:  June 27,  July 24,  August 20
Register Here:
Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!
** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"
July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time  Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here:
RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:
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Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom!  Let's Meet Session
For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at
 If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes:
28 ”Why Won’t The Kids Listen!??” part 1: ATTENTION: 4 factors to watch for!
29 Series: ”Why Won’t the Kids Listen!??” part 2: Processing Information: 4 Strategies to Get Your Kids to Notice What They Hear
30 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part3: Tools For When Language Processing is Difficult
31 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part4: Strategies for Building Listening SKILL
32 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part 5: Are You Making Their Listening Worse? 4 strategies to change that.
33 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part 6: BiG EMoTioNS! 4 things to ask yourself before you respond

Thursday Jul 18, 2024

Hey Friends~ 
“When we look at our kids' behavior, it shows what is going on.”  and “We parent differently as we become different.”
These are quotes from today’s guest,  Ashley Holmes. 
Join in today as we learn from an Early childhood Educator who teaches us to meet our children where they are and how we become better parents in the process! 
Always cheering you on! 
CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn:
ABOUT THE GUEST:   Ashley Holmes is a Holistic Fertility Coach who supports women trying to conceive by personalizing 1:1 programs to nourish themselves optimally from the inside out.
Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:
** SUMMER 2024 ONLY!   Free & Available this summer!
Sign Up Parent Group Coaching:  June 27,  July 24,  August 20
Register Here:
Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!
** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"
July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time  Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here:
RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:
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Sign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox!
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Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom!  Let's Meet Session
For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at
 If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes: 
108 EXPERT: Dewey Kraus Discusses Self-Compassion When Parenting
140 Do You Know How to Let Intuition Guide You? Siris Raquel Rivas Verdejo, Helps Us Listen To Our Bodies, Our Kids, And Our Families
144 Your 1 Year Old Not Speaking? 3 Steps To Help Your Little Speak.
145 Katja Lany: How Montessori caused her to know her inner child and reparent herself

Monday Jul 15, 2024

Hey Friends~ 
Have you ever wondered what your speech pathologist looks at when they are assessing your child to see if there’s a speech and language delay?
Today I’m going to answer a curious Mom’s question,  “What is your process? How do you figure this out?”
I think you’re going to enjoy this story!
Grab a pencil and paper and get ready to learn! 
Always cheering you on! 
CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn:
Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:
** SUMMER 2024 ONLY!   Free & Available this summer!
Sign Up Parent Group Coaching:  June 27,  July 24,  August 20
Register Here:
Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!
** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"
July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time  Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here:
RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:
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Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom!  Let's Meet Session
For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at
 Episodes Mentioned & Related to today's podcast: 
Episode Series 56-64, on speech sounds.  Start with #56:
56 Do You Want Your Child To Speak More Clearly, but Don’t Know How to Teach it? Learn This, and You Can Teach Anything!
Episode Series titled, ”Why Won’t the Kids Listen?” Episodes 28-33.  Start with #28:
28 ”Why Won’t The Kids Listen!??” part 1: ATTENTION: 4 factors to watch for!

Thursday Jul 11, 2024

Hey Friends~ 
Parents, have you ever wanted to have a simple way to play with your children and learn something about them?  Today’s guest has created a simple method to do just that!  Roll a die and let magic happen as the whole family has a way to learn about one another’s love language.  
Simple, quick, allows for celebration, and encourages communication! You will love this!  It's Simple, Easy, and Brilliant! 
Always cheering you on! 
CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn:
ABOUT THE GUEST:  Paul Zolman’s childhood experience was the opposite of love, and he learned & eventually created a method that transformed his life from anger to loving everyone. Growing up in a family of abuse, physical touch became his preferred love style, only because of the regularity. He could almost count on it. It was consistent. He came to think that was the way to express love. But deep inside, he knew that was a twisted belief. He wanted a better life for himself, which is why he created a paradigm shift that works. His Book, “Role of Love: The Most Effective Way to Demonstrate Love Everyday,” and journal, “Role of Love Journal: Practicing Love Every Day” 
Instagram: @roleoflovedice  and @paul_zolman
Buy Paul’s book on Amazon:
Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:
** SUMMER 2024 ONLY!   Free & Available this summer!
Sign Up Parent Group Coaching:  June 27,  July 24,  August 20
Register Here:
Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!
** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"
July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time  Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here:
RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:
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Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom!  Let's Meet Session
For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at
 If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes: 
18 Do Your Kids FEEL LOVED This Valentine's Day?  Let's Find Out!
116 Is Your Child Anxious About Valentine’s Day? 3 Reasons Why & How To Help
110 COACH: Angie Ellsworth Helps Parents Know Better, Do Better, and Feel Better - And Discusses Bullying
118 Diann Alexander: Does The Chaos Of Your Home Life Feel Like “A Theater Of Little People”?
130 Jennifer Ginty Shares How A Doll Can Help Children Process Big Emotions
97 EXPERT: Nellie Hardin: Building Worth, Esteem And Confidence In Kids. A Must Listen!
121 Sherry Darden: Think Your Child Expresses Feelings The Same As You? Ways to Notice Your Child’s Communication Patterns

Monday Jul 08, 2024

Hey Friends~ 
Are your kids very different from one another?  Un huh!  I thought so!!  
Yet, you do your best to hold equal parenting for all of them.  You do your best to treat them the same, to have the same rules with the same consequences pertaining to them all.  
Yet, the response from one is compliance & understanding, the next is sadness and a crushed spirit, and another feels you are unfair!  
In addition to this confusion, the next time you correct them, they switch roles!  The compliant one gets angry, the angry one has a crushed spirit, and the one that was crushed last time thanks you with understanding and strength!  
Join in today to learn what is happening and help to navigate!  
Always cheering you on! 
CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn:
Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:
** SUMMER 2024 ONLY!   Free & Available this summer!
Sign Up Parent Group Coaching:  June 27,  July 24,  August 20
Register Here:
Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!
** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"
July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time  Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here:
RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:
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Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom!  Let's Meet Session
For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at
 If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes: 
18 Do Your Kids FEEL LOVED This Valentine's Day?  Let's Find Out!
37 How To Teach Sharing Happily and Effectively
80 Teaching or Telling.  Know The Difference For Better Listening and Compliance!
129 Theresa Alexander Inman:  Can You Read Your Child’s Cues?  Understanding This Unlocks Confusion And Builds Connection
156 Raising Your Creative Independent Thinker? Sharon Fillmore Helps You With These Wonderful Curious Children!
Come back for the next episode on Thursday!  “162 Do You Know How To Show Love In Any Language?  Paul Zolman Shares A Simple Game That Works!”  

Thursday Jul 04, 2024

Hey Friends~ 
We welcome Michael Hingston, as our guest!  He is an extraordinary human who has been blind since birth.  Today, he shares his incredible story of escaping the World Trade Center with his guide dog, Roselle.  He offers  insights for parents of children with disabilities.  He will shift your perspective on disabilities and how you can empower your children to thrive!
Today’s inspirational guest will tell first hand what his parents did that helped him be strong, independent,  and enabled in the presence of disability.   
Michael declares, “ Whether a disability is present or not, “the fact of the matter is that every child, every person, has gifts.  And as parents, you need to let those gifts develop in your child and you need to help encourage them.” 
You will surely learn something today. I know I did!  
Always cheering you on! 
CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn:
ABOUT THE GUEST: Michael Hingson, blind since birth, was born to sighted parents who raised him with a can-do attitude., Michael rode a bike and learned to do advanced math in his head! He moved to California and attended college receiving a master’s degree in Physics and a secondary teaching credential.
Michael worked for high-tech companies in management roles until September 11, 2001 when he and his guide dog, Roselle, escaped from the 78th floor of Tower One in the WTC. They were then thrust into the international limelight where Michael began to share lessons of trust, courage, and teamwork as a public speaker.
Mike is the author of the #1 NY Times Bestseller: “Thunder dog” – selling over 2.5 million copies. In 2014 he published his 2nd book “Running with Roselle”, A story for our youth. In August of 2024 Mike’s third book, Live Like A Guide Dog, will be published. It can be preordered at
Mike has Spoken to the world’s elite including George Bush, and Larry King. He has appeared on hundreds of TV and Radio programs. Now he is hired by major organizations Speaking on perseverance, the importance of Teamwork and Trust, Moving from Diversity to Inclusion, and offering Adaptive Technology Training.
Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play:
** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"
July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time  Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here:
** SUMMER 2024 ONLY! Parent Group FREE Coaching:  June 27,  July 24,  August 20
Free & Available this summer! Register Here:
Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings!
RESOURCES from The Language Of Play
Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings! 
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Sign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox! Encouragement Sign-up
Join my new FREE Facebook Community HERE!
Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom!  Let's Meet Session
For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at
If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes: 
125 Kelley Coleman: Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child
147 What? Your Child Can’t Read - And Has A HIGH IQ?? Lynne Roe shares a success story with dyslexia and dysgraphia
155 Does Your Language Build Courage In Your Child? Here Are 12 Examples of Courage-Building Phrases!
154 A Single Father of Triplets Shares His Success Story. Happy Father’s Day!
156 Raising Your Creative Independent Thinker? Sharon Fillmore Helps You With These Wonderful Curious Children!

Monday Jul 01, 2024

Hey Friends~ 
Do you wish your child spoke longer sentences? Do you wonder what they’re talking about?  
If this is the case, then you will want to join today’s show!  
We are talking about expanding sentences PLUS - what do you do when your child gets mad at you, because you don’t understand them!
Grab a pencil paper because you might want to write down the steps to implement these strategies. 
Always cheering you on! 
CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn:
Time-Sensitive Resources from The Language Of Play: 
** SUMMER 2024 ONLY!   Free & Available this summer!  
Sign Up Parent Group Coaching:  June 27,  July 24,  August 20   
Register Here: 
Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings! 
** UPCOMING WEBINAR: "Beyond Obedience: Unveiling the Power of Listening in Kids"
July 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Central Time  Join this FREE Interactive Webinar here:
RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:
Sign up for my newsletter! Newsletter Opt-in
Sign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox!
Join my Facebook Page:
Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom!  Let's Meet Session
For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at
MANY EPISODES exist dealing with Language Development!  Here are some others that focus on very young kids! 
04 One-Year-Old Language Learning with a Book
05 Building and Understanding Language Through Our Senses
08 Bilingual Kids and Speaking Delays in Multi-Language Households
22 Do You Know How to Expand Your Child’s Language Skills? Here’s a Picture Book Example
46 How To Build Language Through Planting Seeds in a Cup. 4 Communication Benefits!
104 How Does This Gift Develop Language? 4 Tips To Quickly Evaluate A Toy
144 Your 1 Year Old Not Speaking? 3 Steps To Help Your Little Speak
146 Think Your 1 Year Old Should Speak More? 5 Tips To Find Success
154 A Single Father of Triplets Shares His Success Story. Happy Father’s Day!
157 When A Temper Tantrum Isn’t A Temper Tantrum??!!

Thursday Jun 27, 2024

Hey Friends~ 
Ever wondered what it's like to raise kids with less technology and more nature? 
Today’s guest is Debbie Martin, she shares her experience of moving her family from the city to the countryside to give her two boys, aged seven and five, a better life. 
Debbie explains how living off the grid with limited Wi-Fi and screen time has made her children happier, more creative, and better behaved. She talks about the benefits of outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, and building with Legos, and how these changes have helped with her kids' ADHD symptoms. 
Debbie's story shows the positive impact of less technology and more nature on family life.
Always cheering you on! 
CONTACT the Host, Dinalynn:
RESOURCES from The Language Of Play:
Sign Up for Free Summer - Parent Group Coaching:  Available Summer 2024 ONLY! June 27,  July 24,  August 20   - Register Here:  
Let’s have a conversation about your thoughts, concerns, & wonderings! 
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Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom!  Let's Meet Session
For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at
 If You Liked This Episode, You Will Want To Listen To These Episodes: 
85 Is Your Child Ready For That Phone? Bill Brady Helps Us Judge With Practical Insights!
112 Do You Hesitate To Interrupt Your Child's Activity? 4 Steps To Easier Transitions
127 Caught Between Your Phone And Your Child? Kathy Bowers Shares Her Expertise


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